Balancing work with family life

Children and family means a lifetime of responsibility. Throw a job on top of that and you can soon find yourself pushed to your limits.

Our comprehensive Family Service is here to answer any questions you might have on issues like parental benefits, childcare solutions or how to arrange care for family members.


Our Family Service can be purchased as a stand-alone service or as an add-on to an EAP product.

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Support for carers

Family members who require care face major challenges every day. When your employees need help navigating the jungle that is the care sector, we'll give them advice and find solutions.

Mother and father playing with child on the bed

Childcare & being a parent

You can only get down to work without being distracted if you know your children are being well looked after! We are deeply invested in supporting parents through all phases of planning, starting a family and being a parent and in acting as their knowledgeable go-to.

Childcare during the holidays

Children have a great time, while their parents know that their kids are being well looked after and can get down to work in peace. A win-win for families. There are over 1,000 holiday activities available across Germany, from sports and nature experiences to creative pursuits or science activities, all super fun and age-appropriate.

why choose insite?

A Family Service is an advice service that empowers employees of family-friendly companies to balance work with family. The service includes advising employees on how to balance their job with family life, plus work and childcare.

Advice on parental benefits or parental leave, legal entitlements, looking for childcare, hiring at-home childcare, including advice on costs and contracts – it's all included, as is assistance for employees who care for family members. When it comes to caring for others, we provide advice on things such as level of care, symptoms, organising care solutions, options for taking time off and costs. Our portfolio is topped off with proactive services, such as advising on mandates and powers of attorney.

No. Our assistance service is free for all our clients' employees. Employees only pay for the solutions they end up choosing, such as a nanny or nursery fees. We can also help you find the right type of contract for hiring a child-minder, provide information on tax issues and give you checklists and templates.

Yes, we are a service provider with nationwide coverage. Which makes sense because lots of families no longer live in the same place or at least close to one another like they used to. We have taken that into consideration and provide the same level of service no matter where you are. Plus, when it comes to taking care of someone else, it's you we want to talk to, not the person who needs taking care of. We will then work with you to find a solution where your mother lives.

We are not a care provider and so we do not have our own childcare centres or other care facilities. We are deeply invested in remaining impartial and finding the best individual solution for you.

It is very important to us that we provide employees with individual, personal support that saves them time. We are convinced that the only way to find a solution that suits you and your needs down to the ground – which is essential for a sustainable care solution – is by conducting an individual search.

Childcare providers are selected by educational specialists based on an employee's individual needs profile. Thanks to our many years of experience in this area, we have a large pool of pre-selected carers. We also use small ads/classifieds to find additional staff. Each candidate has to undergo a criminal records check and provide an up-to-date medical certificate. We also hold detailed interviews with each carer individually.

Yes, our team of childcare experts can provide you with lots of advice and information on a whole range of family issues. From talking to expecting parents and advising on parental leave, including part-time, to childcare options.

While the holidays are a joyous, care-free time for kids, they are often a challenging period for working parents looking for reliable childcare. That's why we offer our clients' employees access to company-sponsored holiday childcare in the form of a nationwide holiday programme to guarantee reliable childcare during core working hours.

For the school holidays, we partner with experienced providers whose trained staff offer a wide range of activities, such as sport, languages, creative pursuits, nature or overnight camps. To find the right programme for every child and for hundreds of different interests.

Yes, parents pay a contribution depending on the activity. As a working parent, the selection of holiday offers and the content of the scheme are provided to you free of charge through a subsidy paid via your employer. However, since we offer a very wide range of activities, including overnight stays, we sometimes have to charge a fee depending on the activity selected. Thanks to the subsidy paid via your employer, however, you will pay a significantly discounted fee compared to standard market prices.

Of course! If you need childcare during the holidays, we are here to help. We will research holiday activities in your region and put together a package just for you. While researching, we also check each place for availability before sending you a list of options. You then take a look through these options and book a space with the relevant organiser yourself.

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